4th 6 Weeks of 9th Grade

Another 6 weeks down. Benjamin does a pretty good job on all of his subjects. I think he may have finally realized to just do a better first try on his writing and we won’t push him so much.

For bible, we have daily morning devotions that we do as a family. Usually some Bible Project study or other devotional book. For school, he also has The Westminster Shorter Catechism, finished What If Jesus Had Never been Born?, and started The Jesus I Never Knew for theology. He has a weekly scripture memory for school.

In history/social studies, we have three main spines: The Story of ChristianityThe 100 Most Important Events in Christian History, and From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya. He also has timeline and a current events assignment each week.

Ben often does his read alouds to himself, but is able to answer the comprehension questions so I guess he’s doing well on them. (I just miss out on the stories!) This unit he finished Moon Over Manifest, The Hawk and the Dove, The Wounds of God, and started Jane Eyre. He also has daily readings from A Child’s Anthology of Poetry.

Language is fairly routine. He has a weekly creative writing assignment and a weekly short timed essay. He does vocabulary with Vocabulary From Classic Roots B and Wordly Wise 3000, Book 9, analogies with Analogies 1, and spelling with Sequential Spelling 6.

Science is Discovering Design with Earth Science which includes experiments, vocabulary, reviews, and tests. He’s been learning some cool stuff.

Math is Math U See Geometry. He catches on pretty quick for math subjects.

For dual credit, Benjamin is taking Spanish I with Hannah this semester. It is nice they can review and study together. Ben has done some Duolingo in the past so he just needs work on vocabulary most weeks.

Benjamin’s basketball season finished up with 1st Place at Regionals (no state so effectively 1st in State) for his JV team. The games were in San Antonio so that doubled as a trip to see family and celebrate February birthdays. That is still his favorite extracurricular, we couldn’t convince him to run track to stay in shape. He does still go out and shoot hoops. Benjamin still does a bit of babysitting during the week and continues to help as our tech man at church. We are working on some training documents so he can pass on his knowledge to some helpers. He has youth once a week but is opting out of Rangers so he can have a little bit of personal time at home on that day.

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